Clapham studio - Offering small group equipment classes for all levels and abilities


before you book

Are you new to Pilates or a seasoned mover?

We have classes for all levels and abilities. We will meet you wherever you are in your Pilates journey, no expectations.

Here are some information to help you decide where to start and most importantly what to expect from each class.

  • If it’s your first time doing Pilates, your first step is The Intro Class. Here we can assess your strengths/weaknesses and design your programme for movement freedom.

    Following your Intro Class, you can move on to either a pack of private classes or try our Group Equipment Starter Pack.

    This starter pack gives you 2 classes at a discounted rate. Try it out and see how your body feels with consistent and regular classical Pilates classes with personalised guidance.

    If you have any questions, please don’t be shy! During your intro class we can chat and see what you might need the most.

    Both the Intro class and the GE starter pack can only be purchased once per client.

  • Around a century ago, Joseph Pilates designed a comprehensive movement system to be performed on different pieces of equipment, notably the Reformer/ Tower.

    Incorporating a chain of pulleys, handles, springs and straps, the apparatus can provide both resistance and support to suit your specific needs as you move through different Pilates movements.

    We also have the high barrel to restore your body’s full movement expression in our fully equipped studio.

    Each piece of equipment is specially designed to train different body parts for optimal health.

  • At SW4 Pilates we keep class sizes small.

    You will use a traditional Reformer/Tower machine initially designed by Joseph Pilates as we reprogram your body.

    Our comprehensively trained teachers give you feedback in real-time – highlighting your unique weaknesses and misalignments to kickstart profound rehabilitating, strengthening, and injury-preventing effects.

    By stabilising and challenging the body with the specially designed apparatus, we recode your muscles, joints and nervous system to build a lifelong foundation for free movement.

    Contemporary Pilates can be beneficial, but too often people get lost in busy classes with 20+ people. In this environment, many do not get enough attention from the teacher, and end up cheating the body by performing movements incorrectly.

    We stay true to the key principles outlined a century ago by Joseph Pilates to heal our students suffering from chronic pains, niggling injuries and lifelong weaknesses.

    With more than seven years teaching classical Pilates and a background in Sports Therapy, Chiara has trained elite athletes, professional dancers, and busy professionals seeking to reclaim their body’s hidden vitality.

Our Classes

  • A 1:1 Assessment to introduce you to The equipment and the Pilates method in a safe and supported way. Or if you have any injuries to take it easy and build that strength from scratch.

    Intro Class

    The Intro Class is a great way to get you introduced to the Pilates method and its equipment.

    It is also an amazing assessment of your body and movement patterns and for us to get to know you through movement.

    It is mostly recommended if you have any injuries ( old or new) , any medical conditions or if you would just like a more tailored approach to your workouts.

    After this a plan will be formulate especially for your body’s needs. We will recommend the best plan of action to achieve your goals. This assessment is key as we can take you through the movements at your own pace, There will be a mix of Reformer Pilates, Mat and tower Pilates to make sure you are introduce to all of the equipment , should you wish to continue into group classes.

  • Beginner group classes target the foundation of the Pilates method both on the Reformer and the Mat/Tower


    If a group setting is more your vibe, then our Beginner Group Classes are the perfect start to you Pilates journey.

    Small classes means a lot of attention and feedback from our experienced teachers.

    You will be taught how to handle the equipment safely, what modifications to adopt for

    any specific exercise or how to challenge yourself a little more should you be up for the challenge.

    Whether you are brand new to the Pilates method or have tried a few classes already, here is where we recommend you to start.

    For a strong foundation and a steady progress.

    For your mind & body.

  • Improver Reformer Classes - all levels

    Improver group classes

    After a few beginners and once you feel you have grasped the basics of the Equipment and Pilates method, we recommend you try the improver classes. These classes are the perfect step to a safe progression.

    A bit faster than our Beginner classes, but still a little bit slower than our Intermediate classes, our Improver classes facilitate the learning of more advanced moves without rushing you through the order. The more intermediate/advanced exercises will be broken down for better understanding, and different modifications/progressions will be given to who needs them.

  • Intermediate Reformer Pilates and Tower Pilates classes for the ones who are ready for the next step


    Pilates is a movement system.

    Our intermediate classes will take you to the next level in the system, with slightly more complexed exercises requiring a certain level of strength , coordination and mobility.

    If you are already familiar with the classical Pilates repertoire and fancy a little push, these classes are for you !

    Three people per class means a lot of feedback and attention to your form and execution for maximal benefit. The classes present more of a flow format and the focus is on getting those moves more coordinated and comfortable.

    However, if you are new to classical Pilates, we recommend booking into our Beginner class to establish a solid foundation. Choosing the appropriate level class is ultimately up to the client's discretion. If you have previous experience with mainstream Pilates, we encourage you to consider starting with our Beginner class, as classical Pilates offers a unique approach and requires a different skillset.

  • Advanced reformer Classes, for teachers and seasoned practitioners

    Advanced Group Classes

    If you have been practicing Classical Pilates for a while and feel comfortable with the intermediate repertoire, maybe it’s time to progress you a little further.

    Our Advanced classes are a full body flow. These classes are designed for teachers and experienced students.

    The exercises are complexed and transitions are smooth. A true mix of strength, endurance and suppleness will work you to your core and beyond!

  • Pregnancy Pilates Class for all trimesters and beyond

    Pregnancy classes and post-natal recovery

    Pregnancy, what a magical time !

    Our Pre-natal classes are the perfect mix of mobility, breath, and strength.

    Our empowering classes are designed to support you throughout your pregnancy and beyond. You will be learning breathing techniques and moves that will help you not just to get stronger and mobile during your pregnancy but also to assist you in your post-natal recovery , with a great focus on Diastasis Recti recovery and Pelvic floor health.

  • The Post-Natal Pack

    The Post-Natal Pack

    Two first-rate assessments from the women specialist osteopaths at Clapham osteopathic Practice and the pre & post-natal experts at SW4 Pilates.

    Two teams will join their forces and come together for your overall health and to provide you with all the support you need.

    Having a baby is a wonderful time, we want you to feel your best and to not worry about your physical recovery more than you have to, but to keep your energy for what it’s most needed. It is easy to forget about you as you look after the baby.

    We are here to look after you, oversee your recovery step by step. Giving you hands-on treatments, exercise plan and classes that are great for you and the stage of recovery you’re at.

    We want to be there for you, help you navigate all this with clarity and confidence.

    High Quality holistic support just for you.

time table

Group classes only

SW4 Pilates Clapham - group class schedule


Mondays 8 pm

Tuesdays 12 pm, 7pm

Thursdays 8 am

Sundays 11 am , 12pm


Mondays  7 pm

Wednesdays 6 pm 

Thursdays 12 pm 

Saturdays 11 am